Part Master Inspection Required: Epicor 10 ERP Custom Software Solution

In standard Epicor Software, a Part can be flagged for inspection in several ways. Specifically, a user can flag a Part Class or a Supplier or directly when creating a PO (in PO Entry) or on Receiving (Receipt Entry).

This approach is particularly effective when all parts of a specific class or supplier should be inspected. However, an ERP custom software solution may be required in certain cases to create a truly reliable and efficient workflow.

For example, there might be a scenario in which only specific parts for a PO or Receipt have to be flagged. If the number of parts is considerable, it might become time-consuming for the user to manually check the box for each line/part. Also, it’s possible that the user might forget to flag the checkbox for one or more items.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) business software solutions offer automation and customization as key features. While this manual process for flagging parts might be functional, it’s neither ideal nor efficient.

There is a path forward for managing inspections of specific parts. Custom ERP development makes this business process that much easier.

Why Use a Custom ERP Software Solution for Flagging Parts

In order to overcome these difficulties and make it easier for users to flag items, we developed a custom ERP software solution.

This ERP solution software add-on gives users the ability to flag an item for inspection directly at the Part Master (Part Maintenance), using a UD check box.

Whenever a PO or line is created, a BPM will be executed. The BPM goes and looks at the part’s UD field. I if the box has been marked as TRUE, the ‘Inspection Required’ box at the PO or Receipt will automatically be checked as well.

That way, the user only needs to check the box in Part Maintenance.

The ‘Part Class’ and ‘Supplier’ inspection methods can still be used if desired:

  • Epicor Part Maintenance – Custom ‘Inspection Required’ UD checkbox
  • Epicor Part Maintenance – New Test Part created
  • Epicor Part Maintenance – Custom field flagged as TRUE
  • Epicor Receipt Entry – Standard form loaded
  • Epicor Receipt Entry – New Receipt created
  • Epicor Receipt Entry – New Stock Line for part previously created
  • Epicor Time and Expense Entry form – Employee Login

Navigate to the Time > Daily Time > Detail > Detail tab. Click on ‘New’. Fields are enabled for entry.

Posted in ERP